About Japanese Calligraphy 3

About 「古典臨書」 Classic Rinsho■

About Rinsho本にして書くことを臨書といいます。
Writing from a model of a classical masterpiece is called Rinsho. By copying many
famous and wonderful calligraphic works, we can improve our own calligraphy skills
and establish our own calligraphy.

臨書は名跡を模倣して書を学ぶことで、その学び方として形臨(Keirin)意臨(Irin)背臨(Hairin)があります。    Rinsho means to write observing examples and illustrates the methods of Keirin , Irin , and Hairin .

形臨(Keirin)手本を模倣して書くこと                                 Keirin means in calligraphy writing by imitating a model.

意臨(Irin)手本の形や筆法にとらわれずに筆意を汲み取って運筆すること                    Iriin means to grasp the intention of the brush strokes without being bound by the shape or stroke style of a model.

背臨(Hairin)お手本を見ずに臨書(リンショ)すること                            In calligraphy, Hairin is a practice method for writing characters without looking at a model.         最終段階に位置し、古典の書風を自分のものにしていくことを目的としています                    It is located at the final stage of rinsho, and its purpose is to make the classical calligraphy style your own.
