Yoshun Teranishi 寺西葉雋
From the age of 8, he studied calligraphy under the calligrapher Shugo Yanagisawa (Counselor of the Mainichi Shodo Association and Advisor to the Shodan-in Foundation), which he continues to do today. Every year, we exhibit at Mainichi Exhibition, Shodanin Exhibition, etc. and win prizes. Received the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award at the 2020 Shodanin Exhibition. Specializes in kanji and reisho. For several years now, he has been incorporating creative writing and design writing into his production work, and also creates logo writing and calligraphy writing.
Target audience: From children to adults Instruction content: school assignments, competitive calligraphy assignments, classical calligraphy, creative calligraphy, etc. Exhibition results: Exhibited and won awards at Mainichi Exhibition and Shodanin Exhibition every year. *78th Shodanin Exhibition Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award (2020) Graduated from Tokyo Gakugei University, Faculty of Education, Rikkyo University Graduate School of Letters (Master’s Course) Qualifications: Shodanin certified calligraphy professor, junior high school/high school teacher’s license Type 1, 10 years of Japanese language teaching experience
出展実績:毎年毎日展、書壇院展に出展入賞、入選。 ※第78回書壇院展文部科学大臣賞(2020)